Monday, May 7, 2007

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Dubrovnik is another of my favorite places on the planet!
Walking the streets of the walled oldtown is like stepping
back into time. This city nestled on the Adriatic coast
is only a six hours drive from Tirana, Albania where
we lived from May of 2003 - June of 2006. Join me
for some of the sites and you will understand why
we longed to stay just one day longer
when it was time to go home.


Marianne said...

Just looking at those pics makes me tear up with joy. Such awesome memories!!

sage said...

that place is beautiful! you mentioned living in Marin county and Point Reyes--I spent a couple of months in that area--loved hiking and backpacking in the highlands and laying out at Muir Beach

photowannabe said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and your interesting story about the jelly Belly factory. Did your wife go to Golden Gate seminary?
Love these pictures of Croatia. it looks like a lovely place.

Tim Rice said...

I love all the photos - makes me want to go there! But I especially like the photo of the two islands - mystical and magical!

Charley said...


Those photos bring such joy to me as well, just remember our time there together!

Sage, Hiking and going to the beach in Point Reyes while there were my two favorite things to do! Marin County truly was a beautiful place to live.

Photwannabe, wife did go to Golden Gate. And you are right, the Croatian coast is gorgeous!

Tim, There are many islans like this in the Adriatic sea, all a part of Croatia! Amazing.

JAM said...

Dynamite photos. What a contrasty town, perfect for photographing. Beautiful place.

JAM said...

Is that the recreated Nina at dock in the photos? If so, we toured that with our daughters when it made a stop nearby in Florida on it's voyages to different parts of the world.